Saturday 11 May 2013

Pizza Night.

We have had a thoroughly lovely night with some thoroughly lovely people. There may have been a great deal of squealing for our neighbours to enjoy and a perfectly positioned muddy foot print on my lounge room wall- but that's what it's all about! The jar of matches were hidden away before the children set off to the dark corners of the yard ;)

Lots of old fashioned frolicking in the dark with good mates while the adults chat and drink wine. I certainly remember the fondest of memories from my childhood of night time antics while the parents were too busy to notice.

The pizza was good too- well done darling husband and mini chef Joe.

The dessert was waited upon with great anticipation. What disciplined children. So well trained. Dribble running down their chins until somebody said "GO!" There really is no way of choosing when both cake pops and chocolate mousse are on offer.

Thank you to our friends for such a great night and tell your kids how great they are.... mud and all.

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